About me

Hello dear reader! I am the writer of Smart Cookies Life, and I am happy to welcome you. This page is designed to tell you a little more about me. You can also find my contact information here!

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

If you are a beginning blogger, have questions, or would just like to get in contact with me, sending me an email is the best way to do so! I will read through all the comments on this blog but can’t always reply in private with an email, this is why sending me a direct email is more efficient!
My official Email: Smartcookieslife@gmail.com

Now that has been said, lets get on with the information! A lot of people ask me where I get my information from. I, as many people, use the internet to my advantage. However, I do more than only that. I am a student (at the moment I’m writing this) and study about humans, health and about the things we eat. I have done a summer course in positive psychology and try to share my experience. But I like keeping everything lighthearted, so a joke now and then is pretty much me.

I started this blog January 2019, if anyone was wondering. The blog has been growing ever since! The main purpose is to entertain and give information. I also like to share my personal stories.

Some quotes

What do people do with all the extra time they save by saying ”K” instead of ”Oke”?


Tomorrow is another day. It is a new start to forget yesterday and move on.

Smart cookies life

Life is the art of drawing…

Without an eraser.

John W. Gardener